Previously I wrote about using the Sitecore Custom
Cache. Unfortunately I don’t think I put
enough detail in that post. Some may
have been a little confused by it.
Creating the Cache
Really creating a cache is almost too easy, you simply
create a class that inherits from CustomCache and then implement SetObject and GetObject as I said in my previous post.
public class MyCustomCache : CustomCache
public MyCustomCache(string name, long maxSize)
: base(name, maxSize)
public void SetObject(string key, object value)
base.SetObject(key, value, Sitecore.Reflection.TypeUtil.SizeOfObject());
public new object GetObject(object key)
return base.GetObject(key);
The Cache Manager
The problem with stopping here is though we have the cache
we do not have an instance of it created.
This is also a very simple task.
The easiest way to implement it is just to create a static instance of
it somewhere. More properly though would
be to create a static cache manager.
public static class MyCacheManager
private static readonly MyCustomCache Cache = new MyCustomCache(
StringUtil.ParseSizeString(Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.GetSetting("My.Custom.Cache.Size.Setting.Name", "5MB")));
public static object Get(string key)
return Cache.GetObject(key);
public static void Set(string key, object value)
Cache.SetObject(key, value);
Clearing the Cache
It really is that easy.
It may be wise though to add a cache clearing mechanism as well maybe
add a new static method to the manager.
public static void Clear()
Of course you still need to trigger this call using the Sitecore
Pipelines which is also very easy, just add the call anywhere Sitecore normally
clears the cache.